In case you missed the news, last week IBM unveiled a new Social Media Analytics Tool. According to Mashable, where I first read about it, the tool “will use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze everything from product names and industry jargon to slang and emoticons.”
It’s called the SPSS Modeler Data Mining and Text Analytics Workbench. Here’s hoping someone comes up with a shorter name for it…
The tool is actually already being utilized by some well-known companies and organizations including Navy Federal Credit Union, Rosetta Stone and Money Mailer. When you read the full story on Mashable, it all sounds incredibly promising with lines like “Data from the social web can also be merged with internal data to create even more accurate intelligence about consumers.”
However, after reading it, I could not help but think the author was taking a not-so-subtle jab at Facebook.
Exhibit A:
“But for larger enterprises that need robust technologies and can’t risk entrusting data collection to a startup web app, IBM’s software might very well provide the features they need.”
The operative phrasing here is “can’t risk entrusting data collection to a startup web app…”
Now what startup web app do you think the author was referring to?
In one corner you have IBM, in business since Grover Cleveland was president.
And in the other corner you have (presumably) Facebook, in business since Finding Nemo was in theaters…
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